At a glance

Serial Port Redirector provides access to remote serial devices over TCP/IP network. The program creates virtual serial ports and redirects all serial data to specified TCP port of remote IP-address. Any serial communications software can use these virtual COM ports, like usual hardware COM ports to send and receive serial data over a local network or the Internet.

How it works

In most cases, Serial Port Redirector acts as a client for accessing remote serial devices. Virtual serial ports created by the program connects to specified IP-address and TCP port of the remote side. Communications software opens local virtual COM port and thus establish connection with the remote side.

Hardware Serial Device Server acts as a remote side in this scheme. It accepts incoming network connection from the Serial Port Redirector and redirects data stream and control signals to a plugged serial device.

Support for RFC2217 (Telnet) and RAW protocols

Serial Port Redirector can be used to pass serial data across a local network or over the Internet using Telnet protocol (with the COM Port Control protocol specified by RFC 2217) and the raw TCP connection protocol as well. The COM Port Control protocol (RFC 2217) is used also for accessing any serial device attached to a serial device server.

Additional Information

More details at Serial Port Redirector page on
OS: Windows, Version: 3.0
Price: $
Rating: 4.8 (3 reviews)
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